Going into a job interview is always stressful. Your potential employer is going to ask questions to get to know you better and learn about your experience. With that said, you also need to be prepared to ask them questions. You’ll be able to get a better understanding of their company, as well as the position that you are interviewing for. Below are a few of the best questions to ask during a job interview.

What are some of the challenges one might encounter in this role?

A question like this shows that you are already envisioning yourself in the role. Also, that you’re well aware no job comes without challenges. You’re able to show that you aren’t afraid of a challenge and want to be prepared. Also, this question helps give you a better understanding of some of the less-than-ideal aspects of the job. 

What do the most successful new hires do in their first month here?

By asking this, you’re able to show that you’re the type of person who likes to get into a new position and immediately start working. Also, it shows you have an understanding and can recognize patterns of success. 

How do you measure success in this position? 

If you are someone who is goal-oriented, you can show that by asking this question. Also, It shows that you aren’t scared to be held accountable for those goals. This is also a question that can sometimes stump hiring managers, but will force them to give you an answer. This way, when you start in the position you already know how they will measure your success. 

Can you tell me about the day-to-day responsibilities of this job?

By learning about the day-to-day tasks, you’ll gain more insight into what skills and strengths are needed. This will help you decide if you can really see yourself in this position and help you decide if you truly want it as a job or not. 

What do you think are the most important qualities for someone to excel in this role? 

This will help you learn valuable information that might not have been in the job description. It might also help you learn about the company culture and the expectations, which can give you the opportunity to show that you are a good fit. 

What is your favorite part about working with this company?

This question will allow you to get a sense of how employees at the company feel about working there. If there is immediate enthusiasm, that is a great sign. If the interviewer has a hard time explaining any benefits of working there, it’s best to make a note of that and think if it’s a company you truly want to work for. 

How do you deliver negative feedback? 

This is a question to ask if you are interviewing with someone that you would be working with. It gives you some insight into how the team works. Also, it shows that you understand that things aren’t always smooth and at some point you might receive tough feedback. Also, you are able to see how well you would be able to work with their team. If you don’t agree with the response you’re given, then you will be able to see that the position might not be the best fit for you.

Is there anything about my background or what we’ve discussed today that makes you hesitant about my abilities to perform in this position?

This will allow you another opportunity to elaborate on any concerns that the interviewer might have. Also, It shows that you are assertive and have the desire to clear up any misunderstandings that may prevent you from getting the position.