Email marketing is incredibly tough. However, if done correctly, they can be as beneficial as they are difficult. Many never get the beneficial aspect of email marketing because they’re stopped by the obstacles that come beforehand. Customers are constantly bombarded with email every day. In the end, they read very few of them. In order to be one of the emails that get opened and actively read, you have to stand out. Below, we will go into the email marketing best practices that open emails.

They seem impersonal

There’s no reason for you to not be personalizing your email campaigns. If you’re not already collecting the data to do so, that should be your biggest priority. Unless you have a highly specialized business, not all of your customers will have the same interests. You absolutely need to segment your audience and personalize your emails as much as possible.  

They’re not engaging

If your emails are being opened but aren’t engaging with your content, then you need to review what you’re sending. The biggest culprit for this is that you’re choosing the wrong images for your emails or you’re not including any at all. Many people understand the importance of images when it comes to social media and blogs. This concept also applies to email marketing. Visual content is the most engaging and effective. This is why you need to include it in your email marketing so that your recipients can engage with what you have to say.

There is no reason for the email

If you have no real reason for sending out an email, why would your customers feel compelled to open it or read it? Before you send out an email, you need to ensure that you have a clear, defined action in mind or purpose for the email. Whatever the purpose is, you need emails to be actionable. When you’re defining the call to action of your email, make sure that you’re defining the reason your audience would want to take this action. There has to be something in it for them.

Your emails aren’t mobile-friendly

A majority of people check their emails on a mobile device. If your emails aren’t mobile-friendly and designed with the mobile reader in mind, your audience is either going to skip right over them. The other option is that they open them and don’t end up reading them. You need to ensure that your template is mobile friendly. Don’t just assume that it is. You should test all emails out before sending them to your recipients. Also, make sure your content is broken up into small, manageable paragraphs and that it’s easy on the eye, including on a small device.