Capturing leads is about turning your web traffic into customers. For many businesses, your email list or CRM system is where all of your customer information lives. The size and quality of that list is usually correlated with revenue. The more leads you have, the more opportunities you have to make a sale. You can usually capture email leads by giving your website visitors great content and enriching their lives. Below, we will go into 5 ways to capture email leads. 


Typeform is perfect for simple sales businesses who are prospecting for potential leads. However, it’s really only great if you’re just starting your business. All you have to do is set up a basic lead capture survey and advertise your services. In your advertisement, you need to offer a complete rundown of what you have and a piece of content in exchange for that person’s email. 

Use Facebook Ads

Regardless of what size your company is, Facebook is an amazing way for you to capture new email leads. The best part is that these leads are predisposed to buy what you sell. You can target your ads based on age, geographic location, behaviors, and even their online purchase history. 

Lead Magnet Landing Pages

You can capture email leads by giving away free content. All you need to do is create original content that’s relevant to your business or product. You can also give away a webinar, podcast or infographic. Next, you just need to use an online form from a tool, such as Unbounce, to create a lead form. Make sure that it has a ‘download’ action that will get the user the content you choose in exchange for their email. This is great because it eliminates the need for a coded landing page. Those that are interested in your content are most likely qualified leads, which makes them an excellent option for email lead capture. 

Sticky Top Bar

A stick top bar is a bar at the top of a website that has some type of call to action associated with it. However, you can still get good results if there’s just an invitation to subscribe and no call to action. That call to action can be an email capture form. By having it at the top of the website, it will get attention and convert more.

Exit-Intent Pop-up

This is a pop-up that appears just as a user is about to leave your website. This grabs the users attention because they will stop and see what popped up on their screen before completely exiting. Exit-intent pop-ups for email subscriptions tend to get very positive results. All it needs is an appealing invitation to subscribe.